The legalization of Marijuana is inevitable,
as public opinion nationwide shifts into the “for” category politicians are
being forced to address the issue. With so many economic and social benefits to
gain from legalization, and not very many factual cons to go against it, it is
only a matter of time. But why wait? If taxed and properly regulated,
legalization could create jobs, save the nation money, and bring in tax
revenue. According to a group of 300 economists our nation can save $7.7. Billion
dollars by freeing up law enforcement efforts policing the drug, also adding another
$6 billion if it is taxed like tobacco or alcohol. Bring in $13.7 billion dollars annually.
Along with financial gains, legalization would free up jails, having 663,032
people being arrested for marijuana related charges in 2011. It would free law
enforcement up to focus on the policing the harder drugs. Lastly it takes money
out of the drug cartels hands. The biggest concern for legalization of
Marijuana is over sustained use and abuse. That’s more than likely correct, but
no more than sustained use and abuse of alcohol. Yet the abuse of Marijuana
unlike alcohol is not harmful to the body, but might lead to weight gain. With
the people in office as of now it doesn’t seem if any sort of convincing or
protest will get politicians to act on the issue any quicker than they want to.
Time may be the only thing holding back legalization.